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Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Game Of Life Vr.1

Life. What's Life?
Life Is Us.
Life Is Everything.
Life Is You.
The Game Is... On!!!!

1.There are many people smoking. As you know, I HATE smoking. It is the people who choose to smoke, not the person. When someone smokes, he choose it, not the body. Smoking in unhealthy for us. It is called passive smoking. If someone one ask you,"Want a cigarette?" What will you react? Yes, Or No?

2. Outside the world, Many are have 'Chewing Gums' Clearence. However, in Singapore, some are smuggling chewing gum. We , Singaporeans , are smuggling chewing gums? We must banned chewing gums! The people who smuggling would either spit it onto the floor or on bars/gates. We should not litter our country or otherwise Singapore is known as 'Litter City'. We would not want that to happen. So, If someone ask you, "Want a chewing gum?" What will you react? Yes, Or No?

Wait for Vr.2!